Our Investment Strategy

We strive each day to make you money.. for getting the best of products and services to you. And we always customise your Investment plan basis our 3 R Strategy

Product range

Mutual Funds Know more..

Corporate & Government Bonds Know more..

Sovereign Gold bonds Know more..

Fixed Income Instruments Know more..

Retirement & Legacy Investments Know more..

Mutual Funds

Just like we select specific foods to get all nutrients and keep ourselves healthy its important that we select specific mutual funds to keep our financial health super duper !! Also, as we grow older we change our diet as per our age and health, similarly its important to rebalance our portfolios to avoid portfolio volatility as per our age and important goal points!

Equity Mutual Funds: Equity mutual funds invest in equities or stocks of companies. They may be Large, Mid or Small cap based on the type of market capitalization of the companies whose share they purchase. These are risky investments but if held over a long time period they tend to provide high returns .

Balanced or Hybrid: Hybrid funds invest in Equity stocks and debt instruments and thus provide balanced returns.

Debt Funds: These invest primarily in debt instruments such as money market instruments, government bonds, company debentures. Safer but lower returns compare to equity funds.

Money market funds: Liquid mutual fund invests in debt and money market securities with maturity of up to 91 days only. Normally used for parking short term funds.


  • Bonds are a kind of loan you offer to its issuer upon which you get interest. When the bond reaches maturity, the issuer returns your money, principal and interest.

  • The bond issuer uses the money raised from bonds to undertake various activities such as funding expansion projects, refinancing existing debt, undertaking welfare activities, etc. Bonds are less risky compared to market-linked instruments like equities.

  • Bonds can be issued by companies or governments and generally pay a stated interest rate.

  • The market value of a bond changes over time as it becomes more or less attractive to potential buyers.

  • Bonds that are higher-quality (more likely to be paid on time) generally offer lower interest rates.

  • Bonds that have shorter maturities (length until full repayment) tend to offer lower interest rates.

Sovereign Gold Bonds

  • SGBs are one of most profitable ways to invest in ‘digital’ Gold. Issued by RBI, they too enjoy a sovereign status, and are issued in denominations of 1 gram of Gold.

  • While the price of Gold determines the value of the unit held by you, these bonds give you an additional return of 2.5% per annum.

  • The tenure for SGBs is 8 years, but they can be traded in the market in case you want to purchase the bond with a shorter term to maturity, or to sell your ‘digital’ Gold before maturity in the secondary market.

  • With extremely high safety and a track record of giving an average of 10% annual returns for the past 15 years SGBs are a smart and convenient way to invest in Gold.

Fixed Income Instruments

There are many ways to get fixed income on a monthly , quarterly or annual basis.

Many of these options are guaranteed without much risk and generally have a yield of between 5% to 7%pa.

However the best suited options have to be evaluated basis age, income and risk appetite. We may suggest you a combination of products to meet your regular income needs.

Kindly connect with us to get your customised investment options.

Legacy Planning

Gone are the days when one need to huge sums in properties or land and distribute them amongst the children. You would have to invest huge amounts at one go and yet it would yet be insufficient for all the children. Some give the land to the male descendants and the female descendants would be left to fend for themselves.

Eventually, the land would end up in a disputable condition in the absence of a well documented Will leading to financial distress and bitterness between siblings and families.

We offer super awesome legacy solutions.. where you can set a monthly income for each child and also set aside a huge corpus for your grandchildren! And that too by limited annual payments from your end!

We take care of your 2 generations!! After all they are worth it!!